Leonidas Dimitriadis-Evgenidis

2nd International Maritime Education Conference

The challenges of Maritime Education in 2030 

Eugenides Foundation

June 12th, 2019

On Wednesday, June 12th, 2019 the 2nd International Maritime Education Conference was held at the Eugenides Foundation.

Mr. Leonidas Dimitriadis-Evgenidis, President of the Eugenides Foundation and IMO Ambassador in Greece, addressed the distinguished guests of the conference, which was organized by the Metropolitan College. Mr. Evgenidis welcomed “family” and shipping consultants of the Metropolitan College at the Eugenides Foundation, the “home” of maritime education in Greece, and at the 2nd International Maritime Education Conference, with particular reference to women, since this year’s World Maritime Day 2019 theme is the “empowerment of women in the maritime community”.

Mr. Evgenidis noted that “the maritime profession will face many challenges in 2030, giving the International Maritime Organization (IMO) the opportunity to work with various shipping organizations to achieve the goals of sustainable development and in particular the Sustainable Development Goal 5 of the IMO on gender equality. The purpose of this IMO objective is to strengthen the selection and career opportunities in maritime administration, ports, and maritime training institutes and to promote gender equality in the maritime industry.

Empowering female human resources at sea will fuel prosperous economies around the world and lead the global maritime community to a path for safer, cleaner and sustainable shipping. “

Also, Mr. Evgenidis stressed that the European Union aims to develop a sustainable skills strategy and related activities both at sea and on land, which is based on the following:

  • Additional European shipping professionals ·
  • Mapping the technical development of shipping companies and their impact on industry skill requirements ·
  • Mobility of maritime profession ·
  • Improving cooperation between education providers, authorities and industry.

The conference was attended by 400 delegates.