A meaningful and lively discussion about the shipping industry took place at the “Slide2Open” Conference on the topic of re-designing strategies in the shipping industry.

“The human factor is important. Greek shipping accounts for 5000 of the world’s seagoing shipping vessels, 18%-20% in terms of tonnage, more than half in the European Union. But, looking at the seafarers, the evidence is negative. We have 15,000 officers, 7,800 captains, and fewer engineers, there is a shortage of personnel. At the same time, on the positive side of Greek shipping, there are many more women, compared to the European average, who work as officers, following, however, only the Scandinavian countries. At the same time, we need 10,000 more officers. Certainly, Greek seafarers are the best in the world, having several assets beyond normal training (STCW), such as resourcefulness, leadership, etc., as we are a maritime nation. At the same time, we are proactive, strengthening the system” said the president of the Eugenides Foundation and IMO Goodwill Maritime Ambassador, Leonidas Dimitriadis-Evgenidis in his introductory statement on the critical issue of staff shortages.

According to Mr. Evgenidis “In Europe, there is a shortage of qualified personnel, and the shipping industry “feels” this shortage. In terms of staff at the shore, there are more job offerings. Many people from Greek universities follow a career ashore. As for the ship’s crew, there is a huge problem, especially in training. The Eugenides Foundation together with the Ministry of Shipping is going beyond STCW, making the new book on fuel, with today’s requirements. We are also preparing overall, holistic projects that incorporate AI digital skills and we are optimistic that through the right campaign, we will attract the right people,” he said.