On Thursday, April 18, 2019, the presentation of a special survey of the publication Naval Chronicles titled “Maritime Studies for young people” took place at the Eugenides Foundation. Representatives from the three pillars of shipping: the state, shipowners, and seafaring, attended the event.
Mr. Leonidas Dimitriadis-Evgenidis, President of the Eugenides Foundation and Ambassador of IMO in Greece, in his speech mentioned that the qualifications of the Merchant Marine Academies students are in line with the era. He also stressed that the future of shipping is digital and the Internet should be part of the studies. Referring to the needs of public maritime training in our country, Mr. Leonidas Dimitriadis-Evgenidis added that it is very important to strengthen the Merchant Marine Academies with permanent teaching staff and in particular qualified maritime professionals, as the requirements of the world shipping are significant.