Slide2Open Shipping Finance 2022:
Euphoria in the Shipping World. Is it for real?
The Slide2Open Shipping Finance 2022 conference was held on March 2 & 3, 2022, with the theme “Euphoria in the Shipping World. Is it for real? ». Mr. Leonidas Dimitriadis-Evgenidis, IMO Maritime Goodwill Ambassador, participated as a speaker on the first day of the conference in the session Green Balance, on the crucial issue of trade sustainability in the current maritime development.
The discussion extended to the issue of the shipping footprint in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The IMO Maritime Ambassador referred to the difficulties shipowners are facing in the issue of fuel, emphasizing the need to find environmentally friendly solutions, and emphasizing that Greek shipping has always supported the sustainability of the environment.
Finally, the IMO Maritime Goodwill Ambassador stated that the maritime “family” must be united in order to face the challenges that will be called to face in the future.