“Overcoming Regulatory Barriers for Service Robotics in an Ocean Industry”

Danaos Research Centre

The Goodwill Ambassador of the IMO in Greece, Mr. Leonidas Dimitriadis-Evgenidis participated in the WMU-GOI BUGWRIGHT2 FORUM 2024 entitled “Overcoming Regulatory Barriers for Service Robotics in an Ocean Industry” on February 16, 2024, at the facilities of the Danaos Research Centre.

The central theme of the Conference was the strengthening of the competitiveness of European robotics technology and its expansion with the participation of national and international recognized high-level experts of the European Union funded project “Horizon 2020”.

The IMO Ambassador Mr. Leonidas Dimitriadis-Evgenidis in his speech mentioned that “the shipping industry is in a revolutionary process, trying both to minimize its environmental impact and at the same time to maintain or even improve its effectiveness and efficiency”.

“I would suggest investing in reliable solutions, after evaluation through adequate studies adapted to the needs of our industry.

He emphasized that “it goes without saying that only world-class organizations, i.e. IMO, is able to establish and implement new regulatory frameworks. This is for a number of different reasons, including the globalized nature of our industry, as well as the security that a global regulation can provide to the parties involved, for a level playing field.”

Referring to the upcoming AI technology on ships, he noted that it is necessary for the shipping industry to focus on safety, adequate training and lifelong reskilling of future seafarers.